
Pimp Your Muttersprache!

Dieser Krimi ist vom Umfang wie auch von der Sprache her auf das Nötigste reduziert; was wirklich angenehm zu lesen ist. Diese Kurzrezension über meinen kürzlich veröffentlichten Kurzkrimi ‘Kleinstadtvampire’ ist mir soeben beim Googeln begegnet. Ich war schon immer ein großer Fan von effizienter Sprache, nicht zuletzt wegen der Schwere so mancher kultureller Klassiker, die… Continue reading

Jerusalem at Night

For years I haven’t been to this city capturing the imagination, horrors and hopes of millions through the ages. There are a few things which struck my mind this time: The Biblical Theme Park Walking though the old city among masses of tourists from all over the globe you almost expect some disneyfied savior to… Continue reading

“Luckily, my wife earns enough”

Yesterday, I stumbled over an interesting recording from the re:publica Berlin 2012 about the changing face of publishing titled: “What happens when authors circumvent publishing houses“. Especially noteworthy I found Leander Wattig‘s introductory talk whose salient points I’d like to summarize here for non-German speaking readers: The Default Setting authors need money to “buy time”… Continue reading

Ramasser Les Feuilles à la Pelle

For some reason only yesterday, after almost a decade of work on this domain, I had the idea to install WordPress here. The motive: to collect all the things that I’ve done over the years in some organizable (uncluttered?) way and make room for some asides, chromeless contemplations and wayward ruminations. The first thing that… Continue reading